- – 系统状态可见度
- – 与真实世界的关联性,使用用户语言。
- – 用户操作的自由度,试错,返回。
- – 一致性和标准。
- – 预防错误。
- – 辨识度,减少记忆
- – 简化设计。
- – 弹性与使用效率。
- – 帮助侦错和从中恢复。
- – 简易的上手,使用说明,可学习性。
- 使用有益的限制 Including helpful constraints (如机票预订返程日期必然晚于出发日期时的强制禁选)
- 提供建议 Offer suggestions(如搜索)
- 良好的默认选项 Choose good default(如根据ip默认用户的国家属性)
- 使用容错格式 Use forgiving formatting (如+81 133-2203-2123)
- 保持吸引和忙碌 Keep user engaged
If we want to create smoother experiences, we need to stop seeing technology as our one and only savior. Let’s make waiting times shorter offering people valuable content like tips, links, quotes etc. to make their waiting time more meaningful.
- 加强积极的反馈 Perform actions optimistically
Design and create more optimistic user interfaces that enhance flow by providing instant feedback on the UI.
- 创建合适的过场 Create transitional Interface
The more conscious we experience waiting time, the longer it becomes. Just like a magician, we can use motion to grab users attention and shift their focus on the things we want.
- 避免模态框式的等待 Avoid modal spinners
Use spinners reasonably. Avoid full screen spinners that block the UI state of an app.
- 长期等待需要良好的沟通 Communicating longer waits
Speed up(技巧上可以拉长或者使用斜线或逆向闪动) your progress bars and make sure you‘re not one of the 99% jerks. Take advantage of countdowns for longer waits so users can make better use of their time.
- 使用分步加载 Load content progressively
Load content progressively so the basic experience is available as fast as possible.
- 人们只读真正重要的信息
Don’t abuse alerts for upselling or showing superfluous information. People will stop reading the messages that are actually important.
- 不要假定用户知道发生了什么,他们有可能刚刚在做别的事。
Don’t just assume people know about the context of a message. They might toggle between apps and see your message days after it happened. Always include enough information for users to make sense of it.
- 使用友好、非技术、无威胁的口吻提示,永远要提供可以行动的、普通人能懂的信息提示。
Use a friendly, non-technical, non-threatening tone of voice.Write actionable error messages that laypeople can understand.
- 你觉我们产品怎么样?
- 你觉得我门应该加什么功能?
- 使用某个功能的频率如何?
- 你会买吗?
- 你是如何使用我们的产品的,使用流程?
- 除了我们的产品,你还用什么工具,解决什么问题?
- 你上次使用某功能是什么时候?
- 访谈是定性研究方法。
- 提开放性问题,但不要过于开放模糊。
- 多倾听,不要随意打断用户表达。
- 避免提带有主观意见的问题。
- 请用户详细描述遇到的问题,而不是只关注用户的解决方案。
- 生活化的提问,关注用户过去和现在的真实体验,而不是让他们想象。
- 你正在解决什么问题?(收集内容信息)
- 目前你如何解决该问题?(分析工作流程)
- 有什么方法能帮助你做的更好(发现机会)
- 让用户富有逻辑的思考和回答。
– “What works well about X?”
– “What’s confusing, if anything, about it?”
– “What could we improve?
- 考察用户使用某项功能的真实目的。
– “When you used X just now, what were you trying to do?”
– “The last time you used X, can you tell us more about what were you trying to do?”
- 获取某个新发布的特征的初始印象(问题要宽泛避免用户在诸如审美这样的某一领域回答)。
– “What has your impression of [feature X] been so far?”
– “You’ve been using [feature X] for a few days now, what would you improve about it (if anything)?”
- 获取用户对于某个新特征深思熟虑的反馈。
– “What has your impression of [feature X] been since [change was introduced]?”
– “How has [feature X] changed the way in which you work (if at all)?”
- 获取用户对于产品的理解。
– “Explain in a couple of sentences what you think the product does”
– “If you were to explain [product/feature X] to a friend, how would you describe it?”
– “What do you think the difference is between [feature X] and [feature Y]?”
– “What do you think [feature Z] is and what is it useful for?”
- 把用户的反馈作为假设来验证,验证成功则形成了需求。
- 不要所有问题都和“全部用户”对话 Stop talking to “all users”
– If you want to improve your onboarding, only listen to people who recently signed up.
– If you want to improve a feature, only talk to those who use it.
– If you want to understand why people aren’t using a feature, only talk to those who don’t use it.
– If you want to find areas of concern, only talk to active users who use all your features.
- 你需要持续不断的反馈 Feedback should be on-going
- 区分免费用户和付费用户的反馈 Distinguish free from paying feedback
You can’t listen to hypothetical feedback: “I’ll upgrade if…”, “I’ll upgrade when…”. Espoused behaviour is rarely useful, learn from things that actually happened.
– To improve your product for your paying customers, only talk to your paying customers.
– To learn what makes people upgrade from free, only talk to customers who upgraded from free.
– When you want to improve your free product, only talk to your free customers. My guess is they’ll want more features, for free
- 不要堕入少数人的圈套 Don’t fall for the vocal minority
Treat every clustering of feedback that you see as a hypothesis, and then don’t build it, verify it. Once you verify that the pain is real, the next step is never “build the requested solution”, you have to go deeper. Which brings us to the last point.
- 不要设想用户提供正确的需求特征 Don’t assume users request the right feature